Thursday 28 April 2011

Maths Fun

All sorts of activities can be used to help kids enjoy learning maths, especially maths revision. These might range from outdoor games where they time eachother in races to kitchen cooking — where they gobble up those chocolate cakes after helping you weigh and measure the ingredients. And if you want online games to help your child learn maths, then the BBC offers all sorts of fun characters for children aged 4-14 that teaches them Numeracy and all about numbers. Good luck and have fun!

Maths and Kids

If you are teaching kids right then they should always think that revision is fun. Kids are dynamic and spirited, full of life. Hence any maths you teach should always take account of their youthful vitality and become a living subject that is part and parcel of their everyday experiences. In research done recently, it was shown that 'homeschoolers' who made maths learning an everyday, informal experience outperformed their school peers comfortably since their learning of maths was part and parcel of everyday experiences - whether in the shopping mall or when travelling.