Saturday, 13 August 2011

Interest and Study

How do you deal with a very important study, studying with interest. Students are often stick to work too much. Development, that they even going to see tasks that are required by their teachers, but they are inevitable.

Opposite Ft students see how their plans for school employees to prepare themselves in the game. It is true that "you can have everything you want," because it no longer works so easy.

To work as inspiration for their willingness does not mean the same thing. Strong will is not working for some time. Sometimes you can force yourself, but these approaches are successful to a certain limit.

How to win promotion

• Decide what you are trying to do in college. (You need a mentor or counselor for help, but why they are there.) Find out how to get over what you want. (What are the most important classes. What is needed is, as long as you need instead of classes. How much does it cost? Costs will) with this information, you can at the end of the tunnel. You can look at yourself and you can avoid many of the go round and round.

• Their role in the school. Social life and live a life for unintentionally Kamaya interfere with your business, do not be the central task is to get through school. If anything (and good planning you can avoid the rule) must be round, so that the school neglected differently. Your task in the short term is the possibility of each set in a dead end. Do not think the school just let the minimum wage to work 48 hours per week.

- Real students in their own books in order to work properly and keep their place and readily available materials.

- The more distractions you are inside. If you have difficulty concentrating, trying to see what is bothering you, and take action to remove it. Most problems arise, measures to direct, but you have to look.

• Set short term goals

- Analysis of your study and work. What do you get? How best can this be?

- Set a specific deadline. You can get about six hours in one, if you know you should.Advanced to the time available for work fit.

- Evaluate your success or failure. They learn best from making mistakes, accept their mistakes and that you can provide.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Study and The Senses

Study and learning should be fun and appeal to all the senses — especially for the younger kids.

As you get older what you have to learn is often subject to examination and you are restricted from exploring the concepts and ideas according to your interests; especially since you have to cover a specific syllabus and text book.

Young children love interacting with the real world, getting their hands wet and dirty, playing with sand and water and whether going out shopping, or cooking in the kitchen — there is always an opportunity to initiate a conversation of some interest that allows them to get real life experience and learn about the world around them...

Whenever possible, make learning fun, connect it to the real world.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Video Games Impact Learning

Research shows that computer and video games need to be used with care. They need to become part of standard curriculum but not at the expense of traditional learning methods.

The point is that we have evolved biologically to work in a certain way and there are no short cuts to learning, especially in examining deeper, challenging problems except by putting pen to paper.

There are hidden dangers in over-use of games in teaching, especially for young children, in that they become conditioned to the thrill and fun of immediate results and action at the expense of basic numeracy and reading skills.

Like all things, if games are used in balance with traditional methods then there are benefits. Using them to substitute for parental effort is not a good idea.

Computer Games and Learning

Computer Games are now common place to teach young people. So the important question is how much should we use such games to encourage young children to study and how much educational value do they have in nurturing good learning habits.

We should focus on questions such as why such games are being used and their impact on young people. What games do young people prefer and how do they feel about using such games? What is their experience and how do such games impact on their learning behaviour?

The answers to these questions affect how games are designed for educational purposes for children of different ages. The younger children enjoy the thrill and fun of games that involve singing and human element.

Older children prefer the thrill and drama of fast action.

So before choosing any game, make sure that it is something suited to the needs of your child, they show interest in what you are buying and it is something that will be used to learn something of value.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Trachtenberg Speed System

The Trachtenberg Speed System is not known or practiced in schools as much as it should be...
Although it is basically a sysem for rapidly carrying mental arithmetic calculations, such as multiplying numbers by 11, 12 etc. the story behind it is absorbing and one full of tragedic circumstances. The system itself was first developed by an engineer of Jewish origin called Jakow Trachtenberg in a concentration camp. He did this to occupy his mind during a period of terrible suffering in a Nazi camp. Reality was too hard to bear, so he chose to focus on numbers. The Trachtenberg System requires that you learn a sequence of operations that enable you to perform computations in arithmetic rapidly. There are several methods devised for checking, mulitiplying, adding different numbers and it is something that kids should learn early before they arrive at the more serious GCSE and A Level Exams. The method is very effective and proficient if applied correctly.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Learning Must Be Fun

Learning how to study should always contain an element of fun and enjoyment. The fact is that learning is a life long preoccupation and given the rapid changes in technology and development becoming an efficient and effective learner is the only way anyone is going to pick up new, key skills, quickly enough in the future.

The tempo of development is moving forward at such a pace that unless children learn to enjoy and have fun when learning as a matter of deliberate strategy, learning itself will become a chore and meaningless. Embedding it in fun and interest will ensure that it becomes a natural, life long skill.


Maths is very much a key subject that underpins learning in all other disciplines. The sooner you can introduce your kids to maths, the better.

The fact is that an early introduction to maths is good for their confidence and introduction to numbers is particularly important. Numbers are something that will play a part in your childrens' lives as they grow up and facility with numbers will ensure that they are secure not in learning higher mathematics but also able to function better in their everyday lives.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

How to Study Effectively

Learning is much more fun when you learn how to study effectively. The better you get at something, the smarter you become and the greater the pleasure you get out of studying the subject. So work hard, apply yourself to any subject and you will find it is much more fun when you know how to study and how to do it really well!


Exams in general, and maths exams in particular are much more fun when you learn
how to study effectively.

Learning how to study effectively will help you perform better and get top grades. Your friends and family will all be happy and you will have a brighter future with top exam results.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Math Games

math games: Monopoly, Yahtzee, backgammon, card games such as seven and a half and includes all number games and maths help for different age groups. These kinds of games with his family instead of watching TV or movies and see how maths can help.

Games and Mathematics

Making math easy for kids and maths help for children can be a challenge. There are many opportunities during the day, you can delete a child's life in mathematics involve and teach your child the importance and relevance of mathematics, while still give maths help.

The importance of mathematics in everyday life is a miracle. Create math games and puzzles not only teaches children about math, but also teaches them that math can be fun. Heck, can be downright funny math! This is what we mean when we talk about the involvement of daily activities in the life of your child to enable them excel in mathematics. Math need not be difficult. Making maths revision is easy!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Maths Fun

All sorts of activities can be used to help kids enjoy learning maths, especially maths revision. These might range from outdoor games where they time eachother in races to kitchen cooking — where they gobble up those chocolate cakes after helping you weigh and measure the ingredients. And if you want online games to help your child learn maths, then the BBC offers all sorts of fun characters for children aged 4-14 that teaches them Numeracy and all about numbers. Good luck and have fun!

Maths and Kids

If you are teaching kids right then they should always think that revision is fun. Kids are dynamic and spirited, full of life. Hence any maths you teach should always take account of their youthful vitality and become a living subject that is part and parcel of their everyday experiences. In research done recently, it was shown that 'homeschoolers' who made maths learning an everyday, informal experience outperformed their school peers comfortably since their learning of maths was part and parcel of everyday experiences - whether in the shopping mall or when travelling.