The Trachtenberg Speed System is not known or practiced in schools as much as it should be...
Although it is basically a sysem for rapidly carrying mental arithmetic calculations, such as multiplying numbers by 11, 12 etc. the story behind it is absorbing and one full of tragedic circumstances. The system itself was first developed by an engineer of Jewish origin called Jakow Trachtenberg in a concentration camp. He did this to occupy his mind during a period of terrible suffering in a Nazi camp. Reality was too hard to bear, so he chose to focus on numbers. The Trachtenberg System requires that you learn a sequence of operations that enable you to perform computations in arithmetic rapidly. There are several methods devised for checking, mulitiplying, adding different numbers and it is something that kids should learn early before they arrive at the more serious GCSE and A Level Exams. The method is very effective and proficient if applied correctly.
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